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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Four eyes...

I got new glasses this week.  The older I get, the more difficult and expensive new glasses get.  I now wear progressive lenses - distance, mid and reading all blended together into one big blur.   Here's Pumpkin checking out the new glasses, and smearing up the lenses.

So, as I toss my old pair into the back of the drawer, I am thinking about what to do with the pair that's even older than those.  Here's my list:

1.  Keep the ones I just replaced, in a drawer, as my emergency glasses.

2.  Take the pair before those and put them in the glove box of the car, just in case of an emergency.

3.  Take the pair before those and put them in the earthquake kit.

4.  Take any other pair off to the local Lion's club to be given to someone who might be able to use them.

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