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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My own downsizing project

Last year I decided that I wanted to embark on my own downsizing project. I moved into this condo 4 years ago and since then a lot of stuff has "crept" in. Now, granted when I say a lot of stuff I don't mean tons and tons, but enough that I have been frustrated trying to keep it all clean and orderly. Even though I really like everything I have, I know that it's getting out of hand for my level of comfort.

So, after the first of the year I began my project. I started in my bedroom - taking everything out, cleaning every inch of it, examining what I owned and putting only the things I really love and need back. The rest is going to a garage sale this summer.

My long wall to wall closet had become my "catch all" area. This photo is only the center section of the closet area.

Taking everything out yielded all these boxes of stuff...

I cleaned the space before I returned any items...

I then returned about 75% of what had originally lived in this closet. How much is leaving from the room? Half the books, half the candles, half the silk flowers, all of my throw pillow covers, half the table runners, one night stand - in total, 8 carry boxes of stuff.

And, yes, I am keeping both cats...

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